Ultimate Guide to Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit:

What is the cardio circuit in insanity?


Welcome to the ultimate guide to the Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit, an essential component of the Insanity workout program. Developed by fitness expert Shaun T, this high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workout is designed to help you burn calories, build strength, and improve cardiovascular endurance.


The Science Behind Plyometrics

Plyometrics is a form of exercise that involves rapid, explosive movements. It is designed to increase power, speed, and agility. It works by utilizing the stretch-shortening cycle (SSC) of the muscle-tendon complex, increasing the efficiency of the neuromuscular system. Plyometric training has been proven to improve athletic performance and overall fitness.

Components of Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit

The Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit workout is divided into four main segments:

  1. Warm-up
  2. Stretching
  3. Intense Plyometric Circuit
  4. Cool down and Stretch

Each segment is designed to help you achieve optimal results while minimizing the risk of injury.

Step-by-Step Guide to Perform Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit


The warm-up consists of three rounds, with each round progressively increasing in intensity. Each exercise is performed for 30 seconds:

  1. Jog in place
  2. Jumping jacks
  3. Heisman
  4. 1-2-3 Heisman
  5. Butt kicks
  6. High knees
  7. Mummy kicks


After completing the warm-up, take a short water break and transition to a series of dynamic stretches for 5-6 minutes. Stretches include:

  1. Hamstring stretch
  2. Quad stretch
  3. Calf stretch
  4. Hip flexor stretch
  5. Arm and shoulder stretch

Intense Plyometric Circuit

The main workout consists of two circuits, each repeated twice. Each exercise is performed for 30 seconds with a 30-second rest between circuits:

Circuit 1
  1. Suicide drills
  2. Power squats
  3. Mountain climbers
  4. Ski down
Circuit 2
  1. Switch kicks
  2. Power jacks
  3. Log jumps
  4. Level 1 drills

Cool down and Stretch

Finish the workout with a 5-minute cool down and stretching routine, focusing on:

  1. Hamstring stretch
  2. Calf stretch
  3. Hip flexor stretch
  4. Upper body stretches

Benefits of Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit

1. Calorie burning:

The high-intensity nature of this workout helps to burn a significant number of calories, promoting weight loss and overall fitness.

2. Muscle building:

Plyometric exercises target multiple muscle groups, leading to increased strength and muscle tone.

3. Cardiovascular endurance:

The fast-paced, high-energy movements in this workout challenge your heart and lungs, resulting in improved cardiovascular endurance.

4. Agility and speed:

Plyometric exercises train your neuromuscular system to respond quickly and efficiently, boosting your agility and speed.

5. Functional fitness:

The multi-joint, full-body movements in this workout help to improve overall functional fitness, enhancing your ability to perform everyday tasks.

Safety Tips and Precautions

1. Proper form:

Maintain proper form throughout the workout to prevent injury and ensure maximum results. Consult a fitness professional if you’re unsure about the correct technique.

2. Progressive overload:

Gradually increase the intensity of your workout over time to avoid plateauing and to continue challenging your body.

3. Rest and recovery:

Allow your body time to recover between workouts by scheduling rest days and incorporating low-impact activities such as yoga or swimming.

4. Listen to your body:

Pay attention to your body’s signals, and modify exercises or take breaks when needed to avoid injury or overexertion.

5. Stay hydrated:

Drink water before, during, and after your workout to stay hydrated and maintain optimal performance.

Progress Tracking and Results

1. Track your progress:

Use a fitness tracker, workout log, or smartphone app to monitor your workouts, heart rate, and other performance metrics.

2. Set goals:

Establish specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals to stay motivated and focused on your fitness journey.

3. Measure your results:

Assess your progress by regularly measuring your body composition, cardiovascular endurance, strength, and flexibility.

4. Celebrate achievements:

Recognize and reward yourself for reaching milestones and achieving your fitness goals.

Final Thoughts

The Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit is a challenging and effective workout that can help you achieve your fitness goals. By incorporating plyometric exercises, this high-intensity workout targets multiple muscle groups boosts calorie burning, and improves cardiovascular endurance. Follow the step-by-step guide, safety tips, and progress-tracking recommendations to ensure you’re getting the most out of your workout and staying on track to reach your fitness objectives.


1. What is the Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit?

The Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit is a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workout designed by Shaun T as part of the Insanity workout program. It combines plyometric exercises with cardiovascular training to improve strength, agility, and endurance.

2. How long does the Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit take?

The entire Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit workout lasts approximately 40-45 minutes, including warm-up, stretching, the main workout, and cool down.

3. How often should I perform the Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit?

For optimal results, it is recommended to follow the Insanity workout program, which includes the Plyometric Cardio Circuit workout on specific days throughout the 60-day program. Typically, you would perform this workout once or twice a week, with rest days and other workouts in between.

4. Can beginners do the Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit?

While the Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit is a challenging workout, beginners can still participate by modifying the exercises, reducing the intensity, or taking additional breaks when needed. However, it’s essential to listen to your body and consult a fitness professional if you have any concerns.

5. Do I need any equipment for the Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit?

No, the Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit is a bodyweight workout, meaning you do not need any equipment to perform the exercises. However, it’s recommended to use a good-quality exercise mat for added comfort and support during the workout.

6. Is the Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit suitable for people with joint issues?

The Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit includes high-impact exercises, which may not be suitable for individuals with joint issues or other limitations. If you have any concerns, consult your healthcare provider or a fitness professional before starting the workout.

7. Can I lose weight by doing the Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit?

Yes, the Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit is designed to help you burn a significant number of calories, which can contribute to weight loss when combined with a balanced diet and a consistent workout routine. However, individual results may vary based on factors such as age, metabolism, and overall lifestyle.

8. How do I stay motivated during the Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit?

To stay motivated during the Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit, set realistic goals, track your progress, and celebrate your achievements. Additionally, consider working out with a partner or joining an online support group to share your experiences and stay accountable.

9. Can I do the Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit while pregnant or postpartum?

It is crucial to consult your healthcare provider before starting any new exercise program during pregnancy or postpartum recovery. The Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit is a high-intensity workout, and modifications or alternative exercises may be necessary depending on your individual circumstances.

10. Are there alternative exercises I can use if I can’t perform a specific movement in the Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit?

Yes, there are alternative exercises you can use if a particular movement in the Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit is too challenging or uncomfortable. For example, you can replace high-impact exercises like jump squats with low-impact alternatives such as regular squats. Consult a fitness professional for guidance on appropriate modifications to ensure you’re still getting an effective workout while minimizing the risk of injury.

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